macross frontier islands?

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macross frontier islands?

Postby kaibrightwing » Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:39 pm

has anyone have the stats for islands from macross frontier, im looking for island 3 stats?
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Postby inix88 » Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:17 pm

Well, I don't know if anyone has done the stats 'Steel Falcon' style, but I'm pretty sure that it's an extrapolation of the Macross 7 city section that can be found here:

I guess that it's supposed to be about three times larger than the 7 era island ships. if you wanted to do a quick and dirty extrapolation for stats purposes, you could just increase the dimension and MDC numbers. From the looks of it, the Battle 25 section is the same class and model as the Battle 7, so you wouldn't have to modify that section of the stats.

Here's a pretty good link to some info; as a whole it's a really good site.

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