New Capaign Idea - Exodus

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New Capaign Idea - Exodus

Postby Frange1 » Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:39 pm

Hello everyone, I'm relatively new to the MRC, but not new to gaming by any means. I'm an experienced GM in several genresof table-top games, so I thought I'd try my hand at a game of my own here.

I'm looking for 3 - 5 players, if anyone is interested.



In the near future, Earth's first colony, Exodus was created on Mars in hopes of offering a way to escape a potentially spent planet. The inferior methods of terraforming took 30 years to produce a breathable atmosphere, but have not rendered the soil viable for farming. Full population of Mars became a lost reality. Despite the hardships, the Mars population holds at approximately 2 million lives.

With Exodus' failure, research turned to improve terraforming and propulsion systems capable of moving humanity outward into the galaxy. Famed biophysicist Dr. Emil Gantree and leading software developer Harrison Doors partnered to discover the world's first efficient means of terraforming other planets. Colonization of other worlds was back on the table.

This led to the creation of the Unified Colonization League, made up of most of the United Nations. The UCL appropriated the Gantree-Doors process and sought further means to bring the dream to reality. The missing component was a propulsion system suitable for the job.

In 2089, a German Physicist Heinric Lister discovered the secret to Cold Fusion. Bypassing UCL regulation, he took his findings private and sold it to Daglev industries, the world's second largest corporate conglomerate.

Under UCL law, Lister was arrested for treason. His discovery was confiscated by the UCL, but not before Daglev could make use of it.. competition between the UCL and Daglev broke out as designs for new spacecraft began pouring out of both orginzations. Daglev attempted to file appeals through international courts, but was denied any contracts.

Further ruling determined that any unsanctioned use of Lister's Cold Fusion Process would be illegal. This led to the creation of the Earth Consortium. It is comprised of several super-corporations, namely Daglev, Ultatek, and Jao porpulsion. Using contravercial alternative Terraforming technology, the EC has launched their own colonization campaign.

It is now 2124. Exodus is still the only off-world colony. Conflict between the two superpowers seems imminent. On the eve of the UCL's first manned mission outside of the solar system, will humanity finally extend its reach to the stars, or will war again marr their history?
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
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Postby Cobalt » Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:33 am

I'm down.
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Postby Frange1 » Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:02 pm

Cool. This campaign will be a little different than the others I've seen thus far. Characters with a military background are welcome, but not at all required. Some other options could include scientists, engineers, cops, even hillbillies. You may or may not be affiliated with the UCLN (Navy). You could be a civilian working with the navy, or even be unemployed. The UCLN Science corps has a good foothold at the beginning of the story.

There really isn't any limitation to what sort of character you can play. A good mix of varying character types should lend to an interesting game.



Species: Human
Homeworld: Earth/Mars
Hair Color:
Eye Color:

Brief Physical Description:


Branch of Service:
Rank TBD by GM

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend:
  • Worst Enemy:
  • Family:
    • Father:
    • Mother:
    • Siblings:
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons:
  • Turn Offs:
  • Worst Secret:

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
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Postby MustangGT02 » Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:56 am

Count me in.
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Postby Frange1 » Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:20 am

Noted - 3 players are in.

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I should be ready to begin relatively soon, once the character sheets are in. The game is not locked, however. If you're still interested, please feel free.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
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Postby Cobalt » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:27 am


Player: Cobalt


Name: Christopher James Kelly
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Earth
Age: 18
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'10
Weight: 185 lbs

Brief Physical Description: Chris is a wiry kid, lean and compactly muscular. He keeps his hair in stylish disarray and has a wry smirk. He has two tattoos. He has the words Lux et Veritas tattoed on the left side of his right index finger and a 2" tribal band around his left forearm.

Attitude: Chris is an angry kid, very angry. He simmers and keeps violence just below the surface. He is capable of introspective or even sensitive moments but only with people he trusts.

Affiliation: White Lotus Society Triad
Branch of Service: Neon Dragons Street Gang
Position: Blue Lantern (Uninitiated Member of the WLST)
Rank G-Boy

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Luca Santiago (20) - Luca is a member of the Neon Dragons, the street gang that Christopher belongs to. Luca is crazy and, on the streets, is known as the Blood Dragon.
  • Worst Enemy: James Christopher Kelly (43) - Christopher's father is physically and emotionally abusive towards Christopher.
  • Family:
    • Father: James Christopher Kelly (43) - A former high school football hero, James now coaches the team at the school where he earned his "glory". He beat and abused Christopher because Christopher was not "manly" enough; ie - he was not a jock.
    • Mother: Alice Kelly (37) - Alice is a house wife and is completely under her husband's thumb. She is meek and fearful, unable to keep her husband from beating their son.
    • Siblings: None
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Chris likes boobies and tight buns but he has a weakness for Asian girls.
  • Turn Offs: Men, ugly chicks, and cheerleaders.
  • Worst Secret: Chris killed the captain of his high school football team.

Background: Chris was a good kid when he was younger.

He did well in school, was active, loved to play outside, and made friends easily. He was compassionate, bright eyed, and wanted to be a police officer. However, he was not interested in football and, unforunately for him, his father believed that football = life. As Chris grew older and moved further away from his father's ideal of what life should be, things grew steadily worse for Chris. His father started beating him when he was thirteen. By the time he was fifteen, Christopher had nine artificial teeth (poly-ceramic) because his father had punched him in the face. His father encouraged the football team to bully Chris and the cheerleaders got into the act, tormenting him and making high school hell.

Faced with no other outlets, Chris soon found himself joining the Neon Dragons, a street gang that was doing low-level enforcement and trafficing for the Triad. Chris endured a savage beatdown from the gang, his "blood in" to prove he was one of them and "made his bones" by shooting the captain of his high school football team 13 times, killing him the day before the homecoming game. Chris ran away from home soon after and descended into the underworld. Armed with a powerful Mitsuzuki Ninja 2500™ streetbike, he became one of the best couriers and G-Boys in the city. Through their turf wars with the Scavengers Street Gang and fighting off an invasion from the Outriders Street Gang, Chris proved himself over and over to the gang, earning cash, cars, chicks, and respect.

He never missed an opportunity to strike back at the bullies and sluts that tormented him in high school. However, he avoids his parents like the plague and, on the few occassions when he has encountered his mother in the streets, he fled. He lives in a warehouse down by the docks. The bottom level has his bikes and cars. The mezzanine has been converted into a loft apartment.

He has a lot of floor space on in his domain and he often throws killer parties. He is friends with a pair of DJs, Diva Matsuya, and they spin at every party he throws. Only a select few are ever invited upstairs into the mezzanine apartment but the parties are always jumping. Through his affiliation with the gang, he has access to guns, girls, and cash. He is currently working to get initiated into the White Lotus Society directly.




Last edited by Cobalt on Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Frange1 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:41 am


Looks good. Should make for an interesting start. :D
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
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Postby Cobalt » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:46 am


Player: Cobalt


Name: Christopher James Kelly
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Earth
Age: 18
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'10
Weight: 185 lbs

Brief Physical Description: Chris is a wiry kid, lean and compactly muscular. He keeps his hair in stylish disarray and has a wry smirk. He has two tattoos. He has the words Lux et Veritas tattoed on the left side of his right index finger and a 2" tribal band around his left forearm.

Attitude: Chris is an angry kid, very angry. He simmers and keeps violence just below the surface. He is capable of introspective or even sensitive moments but only with people he trusts.

Affiliation: White Lotus Society Triad
Branch of Service: Neon Dragons Street Gang
Position: Blue Lantern (Uninitiated Member of the WLST)
Rank G-Boy

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Luca Santiago (20) - Luca is a member of the Neon Dragons, the street gang that Christopher belongs to. Luca is crazy and, on the streets, is known as the Blood Dragon.
  • Worst Enemy: James Christopher Kelly (43) - Christopher's father is physically and emotionally abusive towards Christopher.
  • Family:
    • Father: James Christopher Kelly (43) - A former high school football hero, James now coaches the team at the school where he earned his "glory". He beat and abused Christopher because Christopher was not "manly" enough; ie - he was not a jock.
    • Mother: Alice Kelly (37) - Alice is a house wife and is completely under her husband's thumb. She is meek and fearful, unable to keep her husband from beating their son.
    • Siblings: None
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Chris likes boobies and tight buns but he has a weakness for Asian girls.
  • Turn Offs: Men, ugly chicks, and cheerleaders.
  • Worst Secret: Chris killed the captain of his high school football team.

Background: Chris was a good kid when he was younger.

He did well in school, was active, loved to play outside, and made friends easily. He was compassionate, bright eyed, and wanted to be a police officer. However, he was not interested in football and, unforunately for him, his father believed that football = life. As Chris grew older and moved further away from his father's ideal of what life should be, things grew steadily worse for Chris. His father started beating him when he was thirteen. By the time he was fifteen, Christopher had nine artificial teeth (poly-ceramic) because his father had punched him in the face. His father encouraged the football team to bully Chris and the cheerleaders got into the act, tormenting him and making high school hell.

Faced with no other outlets, Chris soon found himself joining the Neon Dragons, a street gang that was doing low-level enforcement and trafficing for the Triad. Chris endured a savage beatdown from the gang, his "blood in" to prove he was one of them and "made his bones" by shooting the captain of his high school football team 13 times, killing him the day before the homecoming game. Chris ran away from home soon after and descended into the underworld. Armed with a powerful Mitsuzuki Ninja 2500™ streetbike, he became one of the best couriers and G-Boys in the city. Through their turf wars with the Scavengers Street Gang and fighting off an invasion from the Outriders Street Gang, Chris proved himself over and over to the gang, earning cash, cars, chicks, and respect.

He never missed an opportunity to strike back at the bullies and sluts that tormented him in high school. However, he avoids his parents like the plague and, on the few occassions when he has encountered his mother in the streets, he fled. He lives in a warehouse down by the docks. The bottom level has his bikes and cars. The mezzanine has been converted into a loft apartment.

He has a lot of floor space on in his domain and he often throws killer parties. He is friends with a pair of DJs, Diva Matsuya, and they spin at every party he throws. Only a select few are ever invited upstairs into the mezzanine apartment but the parties are always jumping. Through his affiliation with the gang, he has access to guns, girls, and cash. He is currently working to get initiated into the White Lotus Society directly.




~Let the Beauty Sleep


Postby BrainSalad » Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:18 pm

Player: BrainSalad

Name: Peter Frankson
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Earth
Age: 24
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Violet
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175

Brief Physical Description: Peter is a ruggedly handsome man. His stubble beard fits his personality well. He has an athletic build that makes him seem larger than he actually is. He carries himself with a sense of authority, but does not impose on others with his presence. He has a winning smile when someone earns it.

Attitude: Peter is typically a quiet man, having a few choice words to say instead of droning on and on. He has never been described as someone who likes to hear himself talk. His sense of humor is usually reserved to a quip or two and left alone.

He has a certain boyish charm for those who get a chance to know him. His recent experiences tend to make him keep others at arm's length, lending to a mysterious air. When someone threatens to break down his walls without his permission, he can be intimidating at best, dangerous at worst.

Affiliation: Kay-Lutz Firearms
Branch of Service: Henly Park shooting Range
Position: Instructor

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Chris "Lobo" Jenkins - Chris and Peter grew up together from grade school through high school. They've been nearly inseparable since the first day. They both joined the Marines together when they turned 18.
  • Worst Enemy: Nick Boot & Shelly Danner - Nick was Peter's first boss after the military. He was a manager at the local convenience store. During Peter's tenure, Nick lied to Peter's then girlfriend, Shelly, and managed to claim her as his own. Shelly has completely written Peter off, going so far as to post derogatory and inappropriate messages about him on every forum she could manage. Fortunately, he never had the lack of judgement to allow any questionable photographs to be taken.
  • Family:
    • Father: Walter Frankson (deceased) Walter served in the Marines, but was killed in a helicopter training accident when Peter was 12 years old. Peter remembers him fondly. It was Walter that first taught Peter how to shoot.
    • Mother: Wendy Parker-Frankson (56) - Wendy is a Registered Nurse and runs a blood clinic. She has always been a steady provider for her family, especially after her husband died. She often put her own needs aside for the sake of her children, something that wasn't lost on Peter.
    • Siblings:William (27) - William is a successful lawyer.
    • Tabitha (21) - Tabitha recently dropped out of college and is now living a life of parties and drugs. Peter is trying to figure out where she is staying so that he and William can go and remove her from the lifestyle.
    • Henry (17) - Henry is the baby of the family and was the golden boy. He is currently a High School senior and captain of the football team. He has a real shot at going professional once he graduates.
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Intelligence, Sense of Humor, Self Respect, weakness for blondes
  • Turn Offs: easy women.
  • Worst Secret: Peter's first injury to his knee was not during the championship game, but when he and Chris Jenkins got drunk. He was intoxicated and stepped off the side of a train trellis, twisting his knee. Because of what they were doing, he never told anyone. His injury in game was likely due to the fact that he had already hurt it and should have sat out of the game.


Peter despises the term Redneck, and has never considered himself to be one. He has a hard time denying the fact that his family fits it almost to the T. He grew up in a small town where most of the residents were farmers. Nearly all of them are middle class laborers with little hope of ever leaving.

It was Peter's football stardom that gave him something to look forawrd to. As a Fullback, he saw a lot of action on the field and garnered a lot of attention. During the championship game of his Junior year, he blew out his knee. He was benched for the beginning of the next season, still going through therapy. He spent the time off working out and keeping in shape. He finally regained full use of his knee, but his opportunity had been missed.

Instead, not having reserved any of his efforts for another option to fall back on, Peter joined the Marines, like his father. He graduated Basic Training at the head of his class and received awards to decorate his uniform. During their first field exercise after deployment, the old injury in his knee resurfaced. As a result, he was discharged from service. His best friend Chris continued in the service.

Since that day, he has had several odd jobs before finally landing a job at Kay-Lutz Firearms. After spending an afternoon with his coworkers, it became obvious that Peter's talent as a marksman would not only have served him well in the Marines, but marked him as a prime candidate for the open job as a shooting instructor. He now works teaching others how to properly handle firearms.

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Postby Frange1 » Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:20 pm


Welcome aboard!
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
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Postby MustangGT02 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:28 am

Waiting For Approval

Player: MustangGT02


Name: Sandra Marie McComb
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Homeworld: Mars
Age: 24
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 129 lbs

Brief Physical Description: Sandra is a lovely young woman, with an infectuous smile, dimples, and an inner warmth that shines through. She is athletic without being muscular and somewhat smallish in the chest.

Attitude: Despite the harsh nature of life on Mars and the tendency for Martians to be acerbic and stand-offish, Sandra has grown to be a compassionate and friendly young woman. She is optimistic about the future and always views the glass as half-full.

Affiliation: Martian Academy of Science
Branch of Service: Life Sciences
Position: Pre-Doctoral Candidate / Research Assistant

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Ashland Le Beau (25) - Ashland is a beautiful woman, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a phenominal rack. She is a pre-Doctoral candidate at the Martian Academy of Science. She and Sandra are roommates.
  • Worst Enemy: Scott Wilson (27) - Scott is a handsome young man but his outward beauty masks a rotten core. He sabotaged one of Sandra's projects.
  • Family:
    • Father: David McComb (52) - David is an ore miner. He's a roughneck through and through, big and burly, rough and grizzled, a hammered iron rebar of a man. He is gruff, acerbic, and does not understand half of what Sandra says. But he loves her dearly.
    • Mother: Meredith McComb (46) - Meredith is a tough woman. She is spare and lean, angular and sharp-edged. She started as a prospector, until she injured her knee too badly to continue. She became a tavern girl, plying her body on the side for the coin. She met David and he "rescued" her from that life, settling her in a pre-fab home and working double shifts to support his growing family.
    • Siblings:
      • David McComb Jr. (20 ATD) - David was a year and a half older than Sandra. He died in a mining accident when he was twenty.
      • Alison McComb (18) - Allison is Sandra's younger sister. She does not want to be a miner or a prospector and isn't smart enough to go into the sciences. She works as a tavern girl by day and as a prostitute on the side. She is waiting for someone to "make an honest woman of her".
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Sandra likes athletic types. Brains are nice but not a solid requirement. She can deal with cute but dumb. She is into boys but is a little bi-curious.
  • Turn Offs: People that condescend about or to roughnecks (IE - miners, prospectors, etc). She doesn't like people who come off as connivers or schemers.
  • Worst Secret: She bartered her virginity for a better grade in theoretical non-linear equations.

Background: Sandra was born into a typical Martian family. They lived in a pre-fabricated pod, with her parents in one room, she and her sister sharing the second, and her brother living in the workshop. She excelled in school, proving herself to be much smarter than would have been expected due to her upbringing. She moved out of the family pod when she was 14, sent to live in the Academy dormitories.

Sandra discovered a love for life sciences and focused her studies in that direction. Due to the requirements of her chosen field, she was forced to endure a series of math classes that tested her mind and pushed her to the brink of being sent back to life as a roughneck. Out of desperation, she bartered her virginity for a passing grade in theoretical non-linear equations. That moment of desperation haunted her for a long time, as the professor in question continued to arrange for her to need his "influence".

When she finally earned her degree and became a pre-doctoral candidate, she moved into more practical applications of her education and is currently writing her doctoral thesis: The Mutagenic Properties of Bio-Waste As A Result Of Terraforming.
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Postby Frange1 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:34 pm

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
- Friedrich Nietzche

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Postby Phantomj » Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:23 pm

If there are no objections, I'm considering my comeback in your campaign Frange1, just trying to think about a possible character idea with the information given.
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Postby Frange1 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:33 pm

Hi Phantomj,

I'm relatively new here, but the rest of the group so far are people I'm familiar with, either on the MRC or IRL. I have a couple other such people considering a spot.

Can you provide me a link to your RPing and a GM reference?
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
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Postby Phantomj » Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:16 pm

Well first off Welcome to the M.R.C.

I've been an active member for Seven plus years here in the M.R.C. until recently, due to real life kicking in giving me some chaos which now has slowed down. During that time frame of being active I've helped a bit in the Begin Hill as a G.M. as well as one small G.M. stint to attempt to save a game that the players lost the G.M.

In the Begin Hill I ran the Dark Phoenix squadron and as far as the other G.M. side it was really a long time ago so details are fuzzy.

The last campaign I was in as a player was with the Wild Cards in Cobalt's campaign, but do to the chaos that had happened in real life we came to a mutual and friendly agreement until I meet that requirement I'm barred from his games.

I know Cobalt, Bear, Mustang', Kosh and many others over the years. So feel free to ask them.

If I'm accepted or not I just wish you the best of luck in your game.
"We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which one is real, the one that hides your face or the one that is your face?"

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Postby Frange1 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:42 pm

I think for my first game I'm going to stick with people whose styles I'm familiar with. Thank you though for the very kind well wishes. I truly appreciate it.

I hope you get your situation arranged, whatever it may be so you can get yourself back into a game.

Thanks again.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
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Postby Phantomj » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:12 pm

You're welcome and no issues here. Perhaps in the future.
"We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which one is real, the one that hides your face or the one that is your face?"

The Green Goblin from The Spectacular Spiderman Animated TV Series.

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Postby Frange1 » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:36 pm

I wanted to announce that there is potential for a second thread in my Exodus game. I am opening spots in both threads if anyone is interested.

Note: I already have Thorn listed as interested in the second thread (soon to begin).
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
- Friedrich Nietzche

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Postby Frange1 » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:56 pm

Update - second thread is planned to include THorn and Cobalt - there are still open slots if anyone is interested.

Please let me know.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
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Postby Frange1 » Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:12 pm

New thread proposal....

I have decided to put together another thread win my Exodus universe. This one will be based on the secondary community that has survived on Mars. Thee is a military garrison, the leading scientific academy and university, compete with government interference , funding, and experimentation. The local economy is otherwise supported by a large mining operation. The first off-world colony from Earth is competed by their veery own penal colony.

Interested parties thus far:
  • Cobalt
  • Sabre

Let me know if anyone else is interested in joining up. I'm presently thinking this will be primarily a military centric campaign.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
- Friedrich Nietzche

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Postby tralnon » Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:36 pm

I may be interested, with the extra time I now have on my hands. ^^;

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Postby Frange1 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:00 pm

Awesome. Go ahead and throw a character up on the joining board and we'll get working on it.

The same goes for Sabre and Cobalt.

I still have spaces open.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
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Postby Cobalt » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:35 pm

I updated my character proposal.
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