Totally Shameless Plug: The Stats Board LIVES!

This is an open MRC ONLY discussion area for the discussion or petition of Rules, Policies, or other MRC and MRC Alliance items. Please announce any absences (long term or short term) on this board. New campaign announcements will be posted on this board, as well.
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Joined: Thu May 13, 2004 6:00 pm

Totally Shameless Plug: The Stats Board LIVES!

Postby Thorn » Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:13 pm

I think the subject line is fairly self-evident. But anyway, the stats board tends to be either a wasteland of inactivity or a raging volcano of arguments. I'm going to try to change this, so I'd like member input on a little project I'm starting, filling in the technical gap between in-universe 1998 when there is no super-special alien technology and 2011 when Earth gets blowtorched. Anyone who's got nothing better to do and wants to get some activity on the boards, take a look down in the stats board. It feels cold and lonely down there at the bottom of the main forum index, you know you want to visit.

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